Whether the sound is coming in or going out, we have a wide range of proven solutions to reduce the transmission or cut it out entirely.
For walls, ceilings, and floors we can determine what is necessary for you to achieve the transmission loss you need. By decoupling/floating and sealing the installation we can create a system that has a proven STC rating and is free of any potential flanking errors.
We can make your doors quiet and fire code compliant through a wide variety of door replacement and/or air tight seal installation options. We also offer custom step seals and thresholds for super doors, or doors that are excessively large and have uneven surfaces. For double door installations in the same entrance way we often decouple the frames from one another in order to further prevent the transmission of lower frequencies between rooms.
As windows are often a weak point, we offer solutions like custom window plugs and floated glass installations. For recording studio windows we often float two separate glass panes, and use different glass sizes in order to avoid resonance issues. We can also tilt the panes in order to avoid light reflections that might obscure the view. Our recording studio windows are finished to match your studio's theme and color palette, and can be made to match the other windows in your studio.
Contact us.
(347) 549-8610
1257 Lincoln Place
Brooklyn, NY 11213